
Environmental refers to environmental and climatic factors such as water and electricity consumption, recycling, and reducing waste and pollution.

Below, you can read about the areas we are working on, as well as the initiatives we have launched with a focus on the environment and climate.

Actions & Initiatives

Consideration for material selection

We choose our materials, products, and cleaning agents with care.

Our linen packages are environmentally friendly. The tote bags from Upcy are made from discarded textiles and are reusable. Our duvets and pillows from DanishSleep are hypoallergenic and temperature-regulating. The filling is inspired by the loftiness of down and feathers but consists of small, fluffy, synthetic flakes and polyester fiber balls.

All our water bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic from GOGREEN. The bottles are produced using electricity from 2/3 hydropower and 1/3 wind power. They are manufactured by the Danish company Private Water, which uses its own solar panel system to generate about 20% of our electricity needs. Excess production is used to heat their buildings.

When the Danish rainy weather appears, guests have the option to rent an umbrella. Since 2022, we have rented out umbrellas to our guests in partnership with Dripdrop Hotel Umbrellas. The umbrellas are made from 100% recycled plastic, known as consumer rPET polyester, which would otherwise end up in the ocean or landfills. The umbrella system is also designed to remind our guests to return them, so they can be reused and last longer. Through DripDrop, we have planted 1,500 trees by the end of 2023.

At Danhostel Copenhagen City, we consider even the smallest details. Therefore, our pens and breakfast bags are also made from recycled materials.

Reduce consumption

At Danhostel Copenhagen City, we have replaced all light sources with LED bulbs. We focus on lighting, heating, and other energy-consuming sources. Motion sensor lights have been installed in the hallways and common restrooms to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

In 2013, ENCO VVS replaced all hoses and showerheads in our 196 bathrooms. This has resulted in a savings of 30 million liters of water from 2013 to 2020! Additionally, it has reduced our energy consumption since there is less water to heat.

Since 2019, we have utilized the digital solution Digital Guest to transition to digital information for our guests and thereby reduce paper usage. Today, all guests receive their own personal greeting and welcome letter digitally before and after their stay. During their stay, we can continuously update them with special offers and provide information as needed. It is estimated that a hotel with 100 rooms can save up to 5.4 tons of paper per year with this digital solution. At Danhostel Copenhagen City, with 200 rooms, we estimate that by 2024, we will have saved up to 54 tons of paper.

Since 2011, in collaboration with Copenhagen Bicycles, we have offered bike rentals to our guests. We encourage our guests to cycle around Copenhagen to reduce fuel consumption and emissions associated with vehicle use. We have a long-standing partnership with Copenhagen Bicycles, a family-owned business that has been around since 2002 and consists of a team with employees from around the world and all walks of life. Copenhagen Bicycles takes pride in repairing bike parts rather than replacing them with new ones, which is why they purchase high-quality bikes. Waste management, reducing CO2 emissions, and gender diversity are just a few of the sustainability issues Copenhagen Bicycles addresses, which you can read more about here. In 2024, we have new, stylish bikes—perhaps you should try one?

Food and food waste

We place great emphasis on being critical and always doing our best to optimize our food products and reduce food waste. Since 2019, we have been part of the food waste program Too Good To Go. When possible, we also donate surplus food to vulnerable individuals in the local community.

Since 2017, we have included insects on the menu as part of our breakfast buffet. It started as a summer initiative aimed at raising awareness about insects as a meat substitute. Insects contain omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, typically found in fatty fish, as well as vitamins B1, B2, and B12, which are usually only found in meat. These are all important minerals and vitamins for humans. The "Bugs for Breakfast" initiative turned out to be a great success, and we have decided to keep it on the breakfast buffet.

The coffee we serve at our breakfast buffet comes from Freehand Coffee, which focuses on ensuring good conditions for coffee farmers, protecting the plant- and animal-rich rainforest, reducing CO2 emissions, and much more, which you can read about here. At Bar50, we use ground coffee and beans from Lavazza, which emphasizes equality, ethics, sustainable packaging, recycling, green energy, and reducing CO2 emissions. You can read more about their initiatives here.

In 2024, we optimized our packed lunch solutions for groups to minimize packaging and food waste. We continuously evaluate to optimize even further.

Waste sorting

At Danhostel Copenhagen City, we sort waste and encourage our guests to do the same with signage and facilities near waste bins throughout our hostel.

In all our rooms, there are instructions and guides on how to sort waste. Our guests are also informed about this in their digital guestbook.

We sort according to the following categories: food/organic waste, residual waste, cardboard, clear soft plastic, colored soft plastic, hard plastic, landfill (porcelain and ceramics), paper, glass, hazardous waste, batteries, light sources, textiles, wood, and electronics.

Partnerships and suppliers

We aim to create a sustainable hostel, which is why we also set high standards for our partners and suppliers. Whether it's coffee beans, bicycles, or something else, we expect those we collaborate with to do their best to be sustainable and continuously improve their sustainability efforts—just as we do.

We continuously review our suppliers and switch to better and more sustainable options when conditions and circumstances allow—though, of course, we can't always compromise on everything. However, we go to great lengths to find the most sustainable solutions.

Future initiatives

Our ambitions are high, and we are constantly working to find new initiatives that can improve our environmental and climate impact. Here are some of the initiatives we are currently working on:

  • We are trying to find a partner who can use our coffee grounds.
  • We have previously replaced our plates to reduce food waste and are continually looking for even better alternatives.
  • We want to convert our food waste into biogas.
  • We aim to help reduce waste in the streets of Copenhagen and are working on creating an initiative that rewards those who help.
  • We want to donate surplus food to shelters and other organizations that need it.
  • We are planning to install Aguardio's latest sensors in all bathrooms.
  • We continuously review our suppliers of snacks, food, and beverages to switch to better and more sustainable alternatives.
  • We are working on gradually replacing our packaging with more sustainable options as products improve.
  • We are exploring how we can recycle water through a built-in purification system.
  • We are looking for sinks where the water is reused in the toilets and used for flushing.
  • We are investigating the possibility of implementing more digital solutions, including AI solutions, to reduce material consumption.
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