
Governance involves corporate behavior, including the company's management structure, policies, transparency, and compliance with legislation.

Below, you can read about the actions we have taken and the initiatives we are working on regarding Governance.

Actions & Initiatives


Danhostel Copenhagen City complies with current laws and regulations regarding the operation of hotel and hostel businesses in Denmark. We ensure compliance by adhering to Danish business legislation, including workplace safety regulations, data security (GDPR), food safety controls, and fire and safety guidelines.

In addition, we follow standards for hygiene and guest satisfaction, ensuring responsible management of environmental impacts through sustainability initiatives. Staff are regularly trained in internal guidelines and ethical standards to ensure a safe and secure stay for all guests. We continuously stay updated on changes in existing and new laws and regulations to remain current in these areas.


At Danhostel Copenhagen City, we are not afraid to be transparent about our journey with ESG. We believe that this is an important part of the path toward sustainability. We have worked with sustainability for many years, but we also know there is always room for improvement. Therefore, we continuously invest in new initiatives and share our progress through the channels where we are present.

Code of Conduct

Just as we expect responsible and ethical behavior from our employees, we hold our suppliers and partners to the same standard. Whenever possible, we choose our suppliers based on social, ethical, and environmental considerations.

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