
Social refers to social factors such as working conditions, equality, health, and well-being. It is about demonstrating social responsibility for society and its citizens.

Below, you can read about the actions we have taken and the initiatives we are working on regarding social issues.

Actions & Initiatives


We have always had smoke-free rooms and common areas. We also try to accommodate allergens wherever possible—for example, we have hypoallergenic duvets and pillows in all rooms and wooden floors instead of carpets to accommodate guests with dust allergies. We also cater to allergens and intolerances upon request.

We support annual races such as CPH Half, CPH Marathon, and Royal Run, and we have participated in several staff activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle (e.g., Step Count and 'We Cycle to Work').

We also encourage our guests to use our bike rental service and provide them with cycling and running routes, as well as walking tours.

Helping the vulnerable

When our furnishings need to be replaced, we donate them to aid organizations that help vulnerable individuals.

Additionally, we donate unclaimed lost clothing when our guests decline to have their forgotten items returned. We collaborate with various organizations to donate our lost items to vulnerable countries and other areas in need.

Whenever possible, we also donate surplus food to those in need within the local community.

Furthermore, we hire socially vulnerable individuals to help them return to the workforce. We do this through the Danish initiative "social free card" scheme. The social free card allows socially disadvantaged people to become part of a community and contribute to a workplace on their own terms.

We also housed refugees from Ukraine when the war broke out and there was a need for extra beds in Copenhagen.


We strive for an ongoing development process with our employees and offer relevant training to our staff. This includes extended educational programs and courses in areas such as first aid and kitchen hygiene.

We also make ourselves and our expertise available to educational institutions, for example, by giving presentations on running a business in the hotel and hospitality industry.

Equality and inequality

We have always embraced diversity—we just haven't made a lot of noise about it because it's always been a natural part of our DNA. Here, we have room for everyone, and our workplace includes a wide range of cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and experiential backgrounds. We also strive for an equal representation of men and women. To date, we can count up to 15 nationalities in our staff.

This diversity extends to our guests as well. At Danhostel Copenhagen City, we aim to create a safe environment for everyone, hosting a wide variety of nationalities daily. We are both disability- and child-friendly.

Charitable causes and partnerships

We continuously support initiatives, partnerships, and fundraisers, including the Danish Cancer Society, Christmas Aid, Parasport Denmark, and Ukraine through Save the Children, among others.

We also contribute to strengthening local tourism collaboration by participating in projects with VisitDenmark and Wonderful Copenhagen. Additionally, we work with our neighbors, including GoBoat, Green Island, and Tivoli.

We strive to strengthen the local community through storytelling and nearby local attractions, such as through 'Gadens Stemmer' (Voices of the Streets) and our 'tips and tours' guides. Gadens Stemmer is a social enterprise that offers city walks in Copenhagen with guides who share their personal stories as socially disadvantaged individuals. Danhostel Copenhagen City hosts an annual Christmas event for Gadens Stemmer with traditional Danish treats, hot cocoa, and holiday cheer.

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